Popular - Nada Surf

20 Septembre 2017 , Rédigé par Licorne Rose

Avec la rentrée reprend la guerre des clans... Les Populaires, les Geeks, Les Gothiques, les Boloss, les Sportifs,... C'est également l'époque de larguer son amour d'été et de se trouver un(e) nouvel(le) amoureux(se)...

Three important rules for breaking up
Don't put off breaking up when you know you want to
Prolonging the situation only makes it worse
Tell him honestly, simply, kindly, but firmly
Don't make a big production
Don't make up an elaborate story
This will help you avoid a big tear-jerking scene
If you want to date other people say so
Be prepared for the boy to feel hurt and rejected
Even if you've gone together for only a short time,
And haven't been too serious
There's still a feeling of rejection when someone says
She preferres the company of others to your exclusive company
But if you're honest, and direct
And avoid making a flowery emotional speech when you break the news
The boy will respect you for your frankness
And honestly he'll apeciate the kind of straight foward manner in which you told him your decision
Unless he's a real jerk or a crybaby you will remain friends

I'm head of the class
I'm popular
I'm a quarterback
I'm popular

My mom says I'm a catch
I'm popular
I'm never last picked
I got a cheerleading chick

Being attractive is the most important thing there is
If you want to catch the biggest fish in your pond
You have to be as attractive as possible
Make sure to keep your hair spotless and clean

Wash it at least every two weeks
Once every two weeks
And if you see Jonny football hero in the hall
Tell him he played a great game
Tell him you liked his article in the newspaper

I'm the party star
I'm popular
I got my own car
I'm popular

I'll never get caught
I'm popular
I make football bets
I'm a teacher's pet

I propose we support a one-month limit on going steady
I think it will keep people more able to deal with weird situations
And get to know more people
I think if you're ready to go out with Johnny
Now's the time to tell him about your one-month limit
He won't mind, he'll apreciate your fresh look on dating
And once you've dated someone else you can date him again
I'm sure he'll like did
Everyone will appreciate it
You're so novel, what a good idea
You can keep you time to yourself
You don't need date insurance
You can go out with whoever you want to
Every boy, every boy, in the whole world could be yours
If you'll just listen to my plan
The Teenage Guide To popularity

I'm head of the class
I'm popular
I'm a quarterback
I'm popular

My mom says I'm a catch
I'm popular
I'm never last picked
I got a cheerleading chick

I'm the party star
I'm popular
I've got my own car
I'm popular

I'll never get caught
I'm popular
I'm a teacher's pet
I make football bets

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